Hey guys… here is a link to some potentially useful information regarding our Ricoh MP 3554.
In particular, here is a section on repeating images.
Hey guys. It’s an election year. And you have to vote.
If your primary residence is here in Lubbock, then it’s super easy: Find your polling place, go there on election day, and cast your vote. You can even vote early if you follow these guidelines.
If you are living on campus, and are registered to vote in another county, follow these instructions to cast your vote (or these). But they must receive your application no earlier than 60 days before election day. The Presidential Election is Tuesday, November 8th. Sixty days before that is SEPTEMBER 9th.
The last Last Day to Apply for Ballot by Mail (Received, not Postmarked) is Friday, October 28.
I will happily assist you if you need help. Just ask!
This is an interesting social project from Belgian agency Mortier Brigade.
Eurobest – Hand in Hand – I’m not racist but… from mortierbrigade on Vimeo.
And here are a couple on design and how we interact with it:
And here is a trailer for an awesome documentary about design before computers…
When you design a corporate identity for a company, there inevitably comes a time where you have to hand over the keys. A corporate style guide can help ensure that they don’t wreck it.
I’m a huge fan of Matt Dorfman. Check out his work.